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Digital Marketing Malaysia

Why is digital marketing is important in Malaysia? I share secara random dan santai je. Sebab utama ialah murah berbanding traditional marketing like advertisements in television and billboard.  In fact, the most efficient, easy and far reaching to potential customers memang menggunakan platform media sosial. I believe almost everyone at least has one social media account. So if nak reach customer baru, digital marketing memang marketing 101 bisnes kena ada.  Nak maintain customer pun senang dengan regular engagement dalam social media.  Announcement, promotion and community reach pun can be done formally in these social media.  In fact, nak say sorry pun can be laid out in these mediums. Boleh consult dengan saya for FB and IG postings. Boleh consult saya juga for copywriting.  Not going to deny, digital marketing in Malaysia has been good in running the show with the rest of the world. 

Super Saigon - mission to satiate my craving for a bowl of pho

 Quite a few times I went to Super Saigon in TTDI for its delicious pho and iced coffee. I always ordered these. After Covid, I forgot about this place and one of these days, the memories of having hot beef noodle soup came clouding in my head. It had been years.  One day, when my friend and I were in Jalan Semarak KL, we thought of having lunch in some restaurant around. Vietnamese pho came to mind again.  When I ‘googled’ the branches… Yeay! There is one in Ampang and it is around 15 minutes away.  Since we went on Sunday, parking was not a hassle. This was our first time eating at Super Saigon Ampang and we loved the ambiance. The place is bigger than the one in TTDI and less crowded. We loved the feel of it already. I ordered the long craving of pho. I thought I wanted iced coffee but there was another drink of coconut iced coffee. Since I like to try and explore new taste, I ordered the drink. The pho taste was consistent as to what I remembered. Some restaurant...

Our Beautiful Nature

From the sound of waterfall, To the creaking of bugs, There lie a person, in a hammock.  With hands behind the head, legs crossed. Unwind, without care in the world. How calming the decibels of nature, In the ears of a traveller, Away from high pitched tones, Hazards of much pollutions.  No matter how luxurious you are, Human always come back to nature. To find peace and serene, To unwire the hectic, busy life, To reset and reboot. We return to natural beauty, Presenting before our eyes as nature gratis. Preserve and conserve the earth, we shall, For generations to come. #poem #climatechange #naturelovers

MAKEUP copywriting for social media marketing

 Sometimes, for makeup, simple and flirtatious approach is enticing for the potential buyers. Cosmetic is a form of communication. It is undeniably making one's confidence up a notch. Beauty is sometimes bold, elegant or just classic beautiful.  Take a look at my Facebook here:  MAKEUP copywriting  ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Okay, if you have no desire to click... i just share them here :) The social media posters are best viewed in the respective landscape. Here are the posters made via Canva free features. Quite limited features though. I love to play with words, sometimes with rhymes, a little dance and groove for catchy copywriting.  Need your bit of imagination for your products to be in these samples :)  LIPSTICK  enhances your dull face with a major uplift on just shading your lips. The revelation of something beauty. EYELINER gives life to your shy eyes that can steal attention from the strangers...

5 Tip kekalkan Motivasi Menjadi Freelancer

 Boleh dikatakan sudah setahun lebih saya melakukan kerja freelance ni. Sebenarnya ada perasaan pasang surut nak buat kerja ni. Kejap membara, kejap kaput. Kejap bersemangat, selang seminggu terasa malas pula.  Walaupun dah tau akan berlakunya rollercoaster feeling bila buat kerja sendiri, bila betul-betul melaluinya lagi rasa kesannya terutama part malas dan macam mana nak naikkan semula semangat tu. Lagi susah macam mana nak maintain momentum supaya semangat tak turun terlalu rendah.  Jika tiada motivasi dan hilang inspirasi, ia memang boleh mengurangkan produktiviti dan kreativiti. Jadi saya ingin kongsikan tip kekalkan motivasi supaya gerak kerja dapat dilakukan dengan lebih baik.  1. Pembahagian Masa  Betul, masa seorang freelancer lebih fleksibel. Dia boleh tentukan bila waktu dia mahu memulakan kerja. Ada yang lebih berinspirasi pada waktu malam. Ada yang suka bekerja pada waktu awal pagi. Yang penting perlu bijak susun masa.  Di mana anda rasa out...

YELLOW FRUITS AND VEGETABLES : Some Food Trivia And Not So Serious "Fact Telling" Yellow Nutrients

 We always refer vegetables as green even from kindergarten. It is easily remembered vegetable is green. When it comes to green, apart from forest, vegetables usually come in mind. Green and vegetables are famously synonymous. A little bit far behind is the yellow vegetables. So let’s push some “talk” about yellow vegetables and some fruits ya.  Yellow 101: What are some yellow fruits and vegetables?  The famous yellow fruits that come to mind instantly would most probably be banana, mango and lemon. But hey, others notably mention would be papaya, star fruit and corn(though there are good “argument” whether corn is fruit, vegetables or grain). Upon quick reading, voilà! It is technically a fruit.   Not so common but equally worth mention would be pineapple and golden kiwi. As for yellow bell pepper, it is considered a fruit though we always cook and consider it as vegetables too.  And now, for yellow-orange vegetables that quickly come to mind most likely ...

Mencari Servis Penulisan?

  Siapa perlukan servis penulisan ini? Pendek kata orang berbisnes paling ramai yang mencari servis menulis ni. Mereka sanggup bayar untuk penulisan yang bagus.  Selalunya mereka tiada masa untuk menulis, jadi mereka upah orang lain untuk menulis. Ada yang sediakan point penting.  Atau mereka ada idea tapi tidak pandai mengarang. jadi mereka mencari penulis upahan atau ghostwriter untuk tuliskan dengan lebih baik.  Penulis upahan akan lebih fokus, jadi penyampaian akan lebih 'sampai'. Business owner juga mencari servis penulisan untuk copywriting produk/servis mereka. Kata lain copywriting yang selalu saya dengar ialah ayat jualan atau ayat iklan.   Ada copywriting hard sell terus. Ada copywriting soft sell.  Saya recommend do both. You got so much copywriting you can explore. Untuk website, business owner perlukan artikel for engagement. Tulis artikel lebih guna 'effort'  sebab perlu mengkaji dan memahami. Barulah penulis upahan boleh tulis denga...

Random: Sambil menulis, sambil educate

For a week, I researched and focus on valuable information about ADHD. I was tasked to prepare 3 articles on adult ADHD. Prior knowledge, I only know ADHD is diagnosed for kids. Now, you can get diagnosed of ADHD as an adult too. The topic is getting coverage in recent years for adults struggling with symptoms. They might not know earlier that those are symptoms when they were young. Until they work, they find themselves struggling to manage tasks at work, to focus on details and bad at time management. These just a few symptoms. Over time, they beginning to feel demotivated, depressed and having anxiety. When an adult could no longer live his live without "struggles" and every day seems hard even for simple routine, they finally searching for help. I am proud of having written articles that deal with adult ADHD. The client wanted the articles in Malay because she discovered the information and awareness in Bahasa Malaysia is not plenty. To my probing, it is indeed true becau...

International Women's Day

Selamat Hari Wanita! I am lucky enough to be surrounded by unbiased individuals that women can work, have family and not duduk dapur sahaja. I am lucky enough that i do not have to witness any bias of men towards women when working. To see from my small lens that at least women evolve to be better from previous generations, I see greater changes.     So let's break the cycle of stereotypes and discrimination but more inclusive and diverse society. #IWD2022 #breakthebias2022 🙅‍♀️

Mekap Pengantin - simple, natural & cantik

Saya ada menulis tentang kecantikan dan mekap.  Artikel saya telah diterima and gladly published.  Baca di sini  Hubungi saya untuk hire penulis artikel santai atau formal.  Saya akan menyediakan content berkualiti sesuai dengan 'suara' anda :) Untuk topik kecantikan, saya pernah tuliskan posting FB pendek untuk clients yang mahukan info tentang awareness penjagaan kulit, bukan jual produk semata-mata.  Saya rasa approach ini lebih baik dan sesekali selitkan tentang produk anda. Jadi tak nampak seperti hard selling. 

Apa I rasa tentang Ghostwriter Malaysia?

A ghostwriter is a freelance writer who pens a text that is credited to someone else. A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are officially credited to another person as the author. Di Malaysia, I lihat tugas Ghostwriter ditambah cabang pengurus media sosial, article writing dekat blog, sales page and so on which I rasa some of these writing falls under digital marketing or social media marketing.  Ada yang mahukan copywriting. All these are quite interrelated, depending on your objectives. Perhaps the copies are about product features, sales, non-sales engagement such as motivation posts, community reminders, etcetera. To my opinion, it is not actually ghostwriting job but digital marketing jobs. Whatever the labels may be, I believe ‘play of words’ is the main duty. Ghostwriting jobs dekat Malaysia nampak macam booming. Business owner mencari penulis content atau penulis artikel. I can ...


Ada beberapa tip saya lakukan untuk penjagaan mata supaya rasa sihat dan segar. Cara saya mungkin bukan untuk semua orang dan ia hanyalah untuk diri sendiri selepas pembacaan dan pernah berjumpa doktor semasa awal-awal sindrom mata kering berlaku.  SINDROM MATA KERING Sindrom mata kering berlaku apabila mata anda berasa tidak selesa dalam jangka panjang dan mungkin boleh mengganggu penglihatan. Tanda-tanda mata anda mengalami kekeringan ialah mata terasa pedih atau panas, mata mula kemerah-merahan, rasa sakit dan tidak selesa.  Jika terlalu kering, anda mungkin rasa seolah-olah ada pasir di dalam mata dan boleh membuatkan mata bengkak apabila tidak dirawat segera. Dulu saya pernah kena konjunktivitis mata dan sejak itu mata saya sangat kering. Saya pernah rasa mata seperti ada pepasir dan bila malam, mata saya membengkak. Ubat titis mata tiruan membantu tetapi hanya dapat menghilangkan rasa pepasir dalam mata untuk beberapa jam. Lebih teruk lagi apabila bekerja dalam bilik ada...

River Of Life and other murals

During Chinese New Year, a friend and I pergi Masjid Jamek untuk tengok River of Life. Kalau turun LRT dekat Pasar Seni, kene berjalan sikit ke depan. Kami pilih stop sini sebab nak breakfast di Café Beskal. Kawan kata port orang-orang naik basikal makan breakfast, jadi deco dia pun ada basikal lama. Kami memang dedicate hari tu hari jalan-jalan KL. Kalau nak betul-betul turun kat area mural tu, boleh turun dekat  LRT Masjid Jamek . I tengok mural di Masjid Jamek yang famous tu cantik dan terjaga. Kami jalan sampai ke Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad . Masa tu dah tengah hari. Panas ya! Tapi dah alang-alang kami lawat jugalah. Bila lagi nak lawat, kan? Tapi kami terlepas untuk lihat kolam ikan at one corner of the sidewalk, close to a bridge sebab kami tak nampak semasa berjalan ke arah Bangunan Sultan Abdul Samad.   Boleh tengok waktu malam pula macam mana view River of Life nanti. Kalau tengok gambar lagi cantik sebab ada effect lampu dan mist tu lebih menarik. Plan asal, k...

Surat Jualan / Sales Letter

Kalau anda rasa tak pasti dengan surat jualan yang anda tulis, saya boleh check, edit dan cantikkan untuk anda. Kalau anda rasa tak tahu nak sediakan sales letter, saya boleh sediakan copywriting sales letter anda.  Kalau anda ada contoh surat jualan/ sales letter yang anda suka, boleh bagi kat saya untuk saya buat reference, lebih mencapai objektif penulisan yang anda mahukan. Saya mudah faham dan kerja lebih efektif. Yang penting, anda kena tahu siapa audience anda. Siapa target surat itu? Apa produk anda cuba selesaikan?  Surat jualan bukan "to all", tapi to targeted database of your customers.    ***************************** Surat-surat lain.  Jika anda rasa ada surat yang anda perlu saya sediakan, apa-apa lah... beritahu saya. Yang penting saya kena tahu tujuan surat itu untuk apa. Cover letter ke, surat berhenti kerja ke, surat tawaran ke, surat rasmi? Saya kena faham dulu, baru saya boleh quote harga. Saya tidak letak harga dulu sebelum dengar perkhidmat...

Harimau Year

 The chinese are celebrating Chinese New Year today. Happy Tiger Year!  I just wanted to share this old article that i have in my old folder. This is another type of writing that i can write for you. Disclaimer: This article was written just when Covid hit, with no idea that Covid gonna be this prolonged. Hence the information may not be up to date. *********** Shanghai : A Muslim-Friendly City to Visit Islam in China has existed for about 1,400 years ago, though Muslims are minority group in China, There are estimated of 70,000 Muslims living in Shanghai, a city of over 25 million population.  Travelling to one of its bustling city of Shanghai has much to offer for travellers around the world. Shanghai is a picturesque metropolitan city with towering skyscrapers, impressive architecture of modern and traditional influenced, to historic temples and beautiful gardens.  Shanghai has 7 mosques with Songjiang Mosque as the oldest building and one of the popular Shanghai ...