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Random: Tribute to KASUT

  Teringat...kasut sangat penting masa travel. Sebab nak rasa comfort bila jalan, ada juga sebab nak kelihatan bergaya.  Sekarang ni, kasut jogging yang paling selalu dipakai :)  

Paraphrasing? @ nak cantikkan lagi ayat?

Ada juga perkhidmatan untuk mencantikkan ayat sedia ada supaya lebih baik. Mungkin untuk nampak professional, casual atau formal, terpulang kepada request client. Ada website yang hendak check for struktur ayat.  Sometimes kita baca, ada benda tak kena dengan ayat itu. Tapi kita pun tak berapa pasti.  I am here to check for you, to find the weird sounds in your sentences and reconstruct your sentences to a fine, better tune.     Sample As professionals, we have absolutely no problem in compiling a financial report with the correct figure s. But as a human we face huge challenges in consistently generating a report without careless mistakes. Sometimes a simple mistake can cause serious negative implications to the firm and partners. Is a report without careless mistakes ever possible or just a dream? Paraphrasing How do you ensure the financial reports are correct and accurate? Ordinary people tend to make careless mistakes while generating a report. Some...

Are power naps healthy?

Do you sometimes feel sleepy during the day? Feel tired and need a break from your task? When you don’t have enough sleep, you become a bit cranky and easily upset with things around you. Experts suggest that you shall take a nap during the day to feel charged again. There are studies that power nap is beneficial to counter feeling sleepy in daytime and waking up feeling revitalise. Sleepyheads can take a break from task and take a power nap to improve mood and alertness. It is like a supplement to our normal sleep and recovery from mental fatigue and alleviate sleepiness. A nap is usually taken during daytime in a short period of sleep. How long is consider good minutes for taking a nap? Experts recommend for most people, to take 10 to 20 minutes short sleep. 5 minutes are too short and more than 45 minutes might cause you groggy though there are studies on taking a nap up to 90 minutes that improve memory and cognitive abilities. When is the best napping time? The best time to doze o...

infografik dan poster untuk social media

Jika ada yang perlukan servis untuk buatkan infografik atau e-poster, boleh engage dengan saya juga. Kadang kala client tiada idea nak buat macam mana. Tak mengapa, kita boleh discuss. Contoh di bawah, untuk informasi yang sama, saya berkreatif dengan 2 design. Ada suka design A, informasi scattered in a circle with title di tengah-tengah. Ada suka design B, informasi heavy in one side, title dekat tepi. Terpulang kepada client saya ☺                                                                               Design A Design B Boleh juga lihat contoh poster lain.

servis menulis / writing services

Jika ada apa-apa berkaitan dengan penulisan, boleh je buzz and tanya saya 😊 Saya ok je kalu orang tanya boleh buat tak koten ni, konten tu. kalau ade contoh lagi baik, boleh saya relate terus dgn topik 👍🏻. Saya pulak jenis suka cuba sesuatu yang baru and always come clean dengan client if saya penah buat atau pun tidak. Kene ada trust baru hubungan ghostwriter and client lancar 🙂 . . . #freelancewriter #ghostwritermalaysia #servismenulis #penulisupahan #contentcreator #contentwriter #penulisartikel #articlewriter

Sustainable Fashion Scene in Malaysia, Are We There?

We love fashion. There are apparels that we adore and keep and there are some that out of trend that we give them away. We no longer want it in our wardrobe. Some of us are quick to cycle to new clothes and ignorant about usually they end in the landfills.  Do we know, whatever we wear, we somehow responsible to a carbon footprint?  Fashion industry contributes to 10% of the global carbon emissions. Fast fashion industry produces mass clothing in a short time to keep up with latest trend by designers and celebrities. They use chemical fibres in the clothing materials and chemical dyes for vibrant colours. We need to be aware that fashion industry is one of the contributor to climate change.  In line with climate change pledge and awareness, the sustainable fashion starts to take place in this vast and growing industry. In Malaysia, recent years show that key players start to put visible actions in their chain supplies to reduce carbon emissions. Retailers already working ...

7 Fakta ‘Short & Sweet’ Malala Yousafzai

 Malala Yousafzai dilahirkan pada tahun 1997, seorang gadis Pakistan yang pernah menggemparkan dunia dengan percubaan pembunuhan oleh pihak Taliban semasa pulang dari sekolah. 1. Malala Yousafzai pernah menggunakan nama samaran Gul Makai semasa menulis blog tentang kehidupan di bawah Taliban. Beliau menulis blog untuk BBC pada ketika umur 11 tahun. Bayangkan beliau masih kanak-kanak lagi pada ketika ini.  2. Pada tahun 2012, dalam perjalanan pulang menaiki bas selepas mengambil peperiksaan di sekolahnya, Malala telah ditembak oleh Taliban bersama 2 kanak-kanak perempuan lain.  Beliau dikehendaki dibunuh oleh Taliban kerana di bawah pemerintahan Taliban ketika itu, Malala kuat mempromosikan betapa pentingnya pendidikan untuk remaja perempuan.  Kanak-kanak perempuan pula tidak dibenarkan ke sekolah dan belajar. 3. Malala ditembak di kepala dan leher dalam cubaan membunuhnya, namun terselamat dalam insiden yang mengerikan itu. Dia seorang yang kuat dan kental jiwa. ...

Start Caring Your Hair With These 8 Tips!

We always see on TV how shiny and silky hair the models, actors, actresses and TV personalities flaunt their strands.  Women and men alike will be proud and happy if they have beautiful shiny hair with styles for their manes. Who isn’t? Caring for your crown is as important as your skincare routine. We cannot deny overall appearance with healthy-looking hair unquestionably boost our confidence. You sure feel good about yourselves.  We are come with worries if our hair starts to dry, accumulate dandruff, bristle and worse our hair are thinning.  So, let’s have some hair care routine. Here are the hair care tips that will make your tresses look healthy, soft and shiny. 1. Fundamental tip would be to find the right brush for your hair. If you have thick hair, a bigger brush or a wide tooth comb would be suitable.  Don’t comb your hair while it’s wet but wait till it damp. Towel dry your hair with care, do not rub it roughly.   2. Choose shampoo and conditi...

Post Motivasi

Posting motivasi mendapat sambutan di media sosial sebagai engagement dengan followers. Kadang-kadang posting tidak perlu berkaitan produk atau servis kita. Hanya perkongsian kata-kata motivasi untuk loyal followers anda. Cubalah. Perspektif Kita boleh berpihak di sebelah perspektif positif, mahupun negatif. Berdirinya kita di perspektif positif, membentuk peribadi bahagia dan tenang. Berdirinya kita di perspektif negatif, membentuk peribadi murung dan lesu. Jika selalu memihak kepada pandangan negatif, latihlah diri melihat dari sudut pandang baru. Cubalah mengajar diri berpandangan positif. Rahsia resepi kejayaan orang-orang berjaya. Sudut pandang boleh diubah. Kitalah yang menentukannya.   Pengalaman Pengalaman adalah guru terbaik buat manusia. Untuk memiliki pengalaman perlu melalui dan merasainya dahulu. Untuk berjaya, perlu merasa kekalahan. Untuk bangkit, perlu merasa kejatuhan. Disitulah hadirnya pengalaman. Kita belajar daripada pengalaman. Peng...

The ‘fear of missing out’? How to use FOMO in Social Media Marketing?

How many of us know about FOMO marketing? Let us share with you 6 worthy insights about FOMO and how they can excite your customers to make reactive purchases. 1. FOMO stands for ‘fear of missing out’. Missing out of what? It is a perception that other people have better things, more fun or better experience than you. Hence, create a feeling that you also want what other people are having now. 2. FOMO marketing creates a sense of urgency and scarcity. How? You can impart fear to your target audience to market your products and services. Let them feel, they are going to lose an amazing opportunity if they don’t take it now. For example, be the first 50 customers to get a special free gift.  3. Set a time limit. Perhaps you should shout ‘Deals of the day!’ Your customers know that they only got 24 hours to get that big discount. Even open orders for food and beverages in limited time intrigue impulsive purchases.  4. Share reviews and testimonials.  Happy customers’ reviews...

Raya Seadanya


Random: Editor Hat

  Apabila saya memakai editor hat. Perlu footnote apa maksud asterisk(*) tu. Jika tiada, just remove it. ’laman web’ apa ya? Lebih baik letak link. Sebaiknya nombor hotline jangan ditulis terputus begitu. #editors #proofreaders

Coffee Anyone?

  Other infographic note : content creator, poster design, e-poster, infografik, infographic

Coffee & Me (and to all coffee drinkers around the globe)

I have been an avid coffee drinker for as long as I can remember in my adult time. I think I started coffeeing in university to get myself alert for morning classes, then I got to refuel for late night studies and before I knew it, I cannot live without one in my everyday consumption. Besides the bitter taste and aroma that I craze about, it energises me to do my work. I can focus and be attentive on completing my work. Somehow the brain works better with that caffeinated drink. Not only it tastes good and addictive, it somehow supports me on my everyday life. What I do not know is that coffee contains antioxidants. I always know antioxidants in fruits and vegetables, but coffee, it is something fascinating. More like a good news right? Antioxidants neutralise free radical and protect your cells from further damage. It carries a role in reducing inflammation in our bodies. Another thing about coffee is that it promotes happiness and pleasure. No wonder I feel good after sips of drinkin...

What should you do if you have leftover bananas? Pengat Pisang in an instant!

 Ingredients 250 ml Water  Gula Melaka (palm sugar) - I use 3 mini cylinders Pinch of Salt   2 pandan leaves  3 to 4 ripe bananas 200 ml coconut milk  There was some leftover bananas in the kitchen. I did not want to throw it away.. Sayang..So I just checked whatever fixings that I had at that time. Since it was an unplanned pengat pisang in the making, I just used whatever ingredients in my kitchen.  I don’t usually cook. So most of the time, I follow my lady instinct with the ingredients. Firstly, cut the ripe bananas into wedges or small chunks. Then with a water in the pot, I put gula melaka and pandan leaves together until the mix was boiled. I did not have sago at the time. If you do, you can put it in some. Perhaps 1 spoon, depending on your liking. Once boiled, I poured the coconut milk and stir it for a while, then I put the bananas. I then put some salt.  If you find your pengat pisang did not taste sweet, you may add sugar a bit. You wi...