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7 Ways to Avoid Procrastination

You seem drag to start a new project or assignment. You know the deadline is nearing. You need to start somewhere somehow. 

Sometimes procrastinating can pull you out of your track.

How do you teach yourself to dodge procrastination to complete your task? 

Here the 7 ways that help me and hope it will help you too.

1. Jot down things to do. If you have 10 tasks, with the same end date, you can randomly choose which you like to start first. 

Listing the tasks will give you clear picture of the assignments and timeframe to deliver each of them. 

You will find your cluttered mind in a sense is organised again.


 2. If you have a big project, then you may divide into smaller achievable goals. That way it will look less intimidating. 

When you have the checklist, you will be driven to complete one by one when you see the small tasks are visually ticked or checked off. That way you complete faster.

3. When you have your sub-goals or task list, now you need to manage your time. 

How much time needed to finish the project, with that you have your deadline to catch. 

I usually put an extra day or two in advance for completion date, in case unexpected things happen, I still have extra time to cover it.  

.Get rid of distraction. When you are about to focus to do something, you need to be away from interruption. 

Distraction can side track you halfway through your task. Your pick, if you like to have a quiet room to yourself or you can do your work better at a corner in a coffee shop. 

Some people can listen to music to focus and some, a little noise is a distraction. 

You know your style as long as you can focus to finish your to-do list. 

In other words, find your own zen space.

5. Take a break. While doing work, take some time off. 10 minutes or 30 minutes, depending on how long you sit yourself in front of your computer or desk. 

At office, I sometimes take a 5-10 minutes break and have a little chat with my colleague. 

Other time, I make coffee and have a quick snack like biscuits. 

It takes my mind to relax for a while and when I continue back to work, I’ll have the momentum going. 

If you at home, then maybe you can take a longer break doing simple chores like do a laundry, watering the plants or watch a 30 minutes sitcom after working for 2 hours straight.  

6. Self – Incentives. No matter how small the task you complete, you can reward yourself with a simple treat. 

For example, “after finishing this marketing section, I’ll go have some hot chocolate”. 

I like to do this self-reward too. It somehow drive me to finish the next task with good urgency.

Ice cream anyone? :)

7. Hang out with people who motivate you to finish your project. 

Your friends or colleagues who are goal getters may encourage you to keep going on completing your work. 

Circle yourself with people who get things done. Your performance may transpired by their positive influence on you.

I hope you overcome your procrastination from these 7 tips as useful guidance. Give it a try and you may actually complete your work less stress before deadline.

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note : freelancewriter, ghostwriter malaysia, ghostwriting, servismenulis, penulisupahan, articlewriter, articlewriting


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