Flowers are always delightful to see, smell and touch. Imagine a garden of flowers that gather plenty of species, with green scenery as background. The various colours of fresh flowers bloom before the eyes. Naturally we smile. We awe. We appreciate. The nature somehow provide us calm and happiness. If we go to tulip fields, with colours of yellow, white, pink and purple serve in front of our eyes, we might have the urge to spread our hands and twirl, or feel like running thru the field freely, feeling light and easy. What is it about flowers that can turn our hearts feeling calm and bliss? Being around nature have benefit us with pleasant feeling. The colour and the smell of flowers, even the shape and texture of flower, once we touch and feel them, can stimulate positive emotions. That is why candles and aromatherapy have scents of floral fragrances. Floral scented in home’s ambiance does improve our mood, feeling relaxed and less anxiety. If we go to hospital, we ca...
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